Denver metro schools

As a mom and REALTOR® who works with family’s every day concerned with selecting a home that will provide the “best” schools I understand the importance of education for our children and the effects schools have on our community. Not only is education the foundation for our children’s future; schools have a direct impact on property values.

I’ve compiled a summary of the largest school districts in the Denver Metro Area, along with information on private schools and links to several third party resources. Generally speaking Cherry Creek, Douglas County, Jefferson County and Littleton consistently rank as top districts; however, choices do not end with public schools and you can find terrific schools in every district.

Denver metro schools:

Name # of Schools Accolades
Adams County 12

56 total 7 schools receive top academic honors by the Colorado Department of Education
Adams County 14

13 total
Aurora Public Schools

59 total 3 schools received the 2012 Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award.
Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools

38 total AoDCS 8th grade students score 3.6 years above grade level.
Cherry Creek School District

67 total 95% of schools are in the Colorado Department of Educations highest category.
Denver Public Schools

172 total 12.8% of students are in a gifted and talented program.
Douglas County

68 total 23 schools received the John Irwin Award for excellent academic achievement.

8 total         4 elementary 2 middle      2 high school 1-on-1 iPad distribution for students k-8.
Jefferson County

155 total 6 high schools ranked in the top 40 in US News 2013 Best High Schools.
Littleton Public Schools

23 total All 3 high schools are nationally recognized and have the highest gradation rate of any high schools in Denver
Private Schools


 data pulled on 12/20/2013 from the urls listed

Denver metro school district map


For third party information on schools in Denver, check out these resources:

5280 Magazine rankings of top high schools,,8

Newsweek top rated Colorado schools,

EdNews Colorado District ratings,

Colorado Department of Education,

Thinking of buying or selling in the Denver market, I’m here to understand your goals, provide professional service and deliver outstanding results.

Jennifer Blake, Denver REALTOR

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